Grace In The Crossroads Of Life

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Season of Advent: Part 2

Prepare ye the way……..

Advent is a season of expectations. People exchanging gifts expect to get as many items on their wish list as possible. People expect to get regular items such as clothes, tools and hobby items at discount prices. Others expect to see family and friends whose schedule don't allow convenient visits during the year. The expectations vary but all of them require some level of preparation.

Many people save all year for holiday shopping. More make travel plans for the holidays months in advance. Some simply request time off to be with family without interruption. Most people in the USA have to prepare for the holidays in some fashion.

We prepare to give, but how much do we prepare to receive? Do you really need to prepare for a new sweater or candles in your favorite scent? I am sure people hosting guests spend time preparing food and decorations.

Imagine receiving a gift so grand and significant that it takes fourty-two generations to prepare the world for it's arrival!!!

That is what happened with the birth of Jesus the Christ into the world. He was gift-wrapped in swaddling clothes as a gift of salvation to God's chosen people and all who would receive Him. But this awesome gift was not received with thanksgivings as one might expect. Despite the many prophecies informing the Jews of the coming Messiah, they did not believe he was who God said He was.

But God, being merciful and gracious did not take His gift away. He did not offer Jesus as a white elephant exchange. God kept His promise and Jesus fulfilled the law and the prophecies.

Today in this season of expectations, open your heart to prepare to receive the gift of life with Jesus as your Lord and Savior. Expect to receive the love of God and the hope of heaven that comes with it. Expect to grow into the shining reflection of God that we are as His image bearers. Expect to receive the security and peace that comes with a life led by Jesus Christ. Expect the unimaginable and the impossible.

Are you preparing the way for the gifts God has in store for you this Advent season? Confess your sins, ask God for forgiveness and accept Jesus the Christ as God's gift of salvation. It is the gift that offers a value beyond your comprehension.