Grace In The Crossroads Of Life

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Tips to Combat Anxiety

Everyone has a bout of anxiety at one point or another. It can last for a few seconds or minutes. Form some it is more of a chronic struggle that alters the lifestyle. There are many ways to address anxiety and manage its symptoms. A wholistic approach that targets the mental and physical aspects can be most effective. The tips below is not an exhaustive list, but it helps to get started to discover what works for you. Perspective plays a large part in managing anxiety and these tips help you stay positive.

Writing Prayers Down

Many people pray verbally or silently. Writing prayers down can help lower anxiety and help refocus on what is important at the time. If possible, grab a journal or small notebook and write your conversation wit the Creator. Writing allows you to channel the negative energy into something constructive. It takes the focus off what's wrong and clears the mind of the million thoughts running wild. Sometimes you may write for a few minutes, others you may write nonstop until you can't write anymore.

Practice Deep Breathing Exercises

Concentrated breathing has many benefits. Almost any material you research on self-care or calming anxiety will express breathing properly as a necessity. As soon as you feel your chest getting tight, take a deep breath and cough as strong as you can. Then inhale with your mouth closed for as long as possible. Then exhale with your lips pursed like you're whistling very slowly. Repeat twice. Try it with your eyes closed to help you stay balanced especially if you are standing at the time. Your heart rate slows and the sweating stops and your thoughts become more clear.

Recite Scripture or Affirmations Aloud

Do this until you feel yourself calming down. Use your favorite scripture. If you don't have one I recommend Psalm 23 or Matthew 5:3-16. A quick affirmation is listed below.

"Patience is a virtue, peace is a gift and I am calm as the ocean and gracious as a lotus flower."

Remember there is more than one way to deal with anxiety. Being mindful of your feelings and addressing them is important. Try different techniques to see what you respond to positively. When life overwhelms you, grace will keep you steady.