Grace in the crossroads of life is a blog of essays, articles and poetry that highlights the grace that is sometimes hard to see clearly. Sometimes the process of dealing with our issues must be addressed so we can heal and appreciate the grace shown to us.

A Country of Love or Hate?

A Country of Love or Hate?

The hatred of America cannot be fully erased nor should it be. It is an accurate part of America's history no matter how hurtful or ugly it is. The beauty and love of America cannot be hidden either, as it too is a part of American history. The balance of the two extremes is what makes America what it is today. For many immigrants, America is a country that offers hope for a better quality of life. For many populations of color born and raised her, African-Americans in particular, the United States is an oppressor and liberator. For many Caucasians with a superiority complex, America is a land to be dominated and controlled for self serving purposes at the expense of those deemed as less valuable. Lately the systematic evils of our country have been highlighted as people fight back against the madness. The desire to make America a place where everyone can live a decent quality of life is under attack. Social media has put the war on equality in the spotlight where it belongs. Many disagree about how to move forward and what is best. It is a balancing act of a critical kind.

Removing confederate flags and statues will not change the entitlement mentality that is taught and perpetuated in communities whose identity is based on their self superiority over others. The list of wrongs can go on for far longer than I am willing to write them. The reality is the USA is flawed. We are a country of imperfect people trying to figure out how to live and exist with the imperfect systems we've created subconsciously and intentionally.

I believe the effort to move forward and uplift people is a matter of heart and spirit. Love, like evil is a spirit. The heart of a person dictates their actions. What kind of spirit resides in your heart? Do you feel the need to trample others to rise up? Do you help the person climbing the same mountain you're exploring? Do you share your food with the poor or serve them water poisoned with lead?

Until the hearts of people is consumed with love, America will continue to commit atrocities against its citizens. The Bible states the love of money is the root all evil in 1 Timothy 6:10. I wonder if people who oppress others know why they operate the way they do. The strong love of money represents a spirit of greed and the love of self superiority represents a haughty spirit. The dangerous combination of haughtiness and greed is why America continues to err in its ways. But love will prevail. I believe the light of love is alive, well and shining bright to cast out all the lowly spirits. A heart of love will fuel actions of integrity to improve the service and provisions of the marginalized.

I see the light of love on the horizon and on every pathway ahead. It's in every protest of injustice,  every petition for equality. It's in every helping hand extended. It's in every smile that encourages. It's in sharing knowledge with others and learning from our differences. It's in respecting our fellow brothers and sisters in humanity. It's in caring for our neighbors. It's in lifting up those who've fallen. It's in building up others while properly caring for oneself. It's in hope that things will get better because everyone can make a difference. It's in realizing that life is not all but but full of good too.

Because every moment you are alive is an opportunity to love. Every breath you take is an opportunity to speak life and encouragement. Every step you take is an opportunity to elevate to a higher level of consciousness. The light of love can conquer the evils of. The world but you have to choose what spirit you will submit to. Remember the heart of a person dictates their actions.

So be encouraged today. Despite the racism, sexism and every other form of oppression that seems to be in control right now, there is hope. God is love, love is light and no darkness can cover it. So let your light shine bright and spread love so we can all live a good quality of life together.

Called to Love

Tips to Combat Anxiety

Tips to Combat Anxiety