The Mundane Art of Sorting Clothes
Bold earth tones reminiscent of fall leaves and warm fragrances. A few pastels add a touch of flair. T-shirts with rhinestones and metallic lettering represent casual play wear. This rainbow of clothes fills the closet to be cleared out and reorganized. Sorting clothes is boring. It stands to reason this chore can be more efficient if completed after each shopping trip. For those of us who choose to do it every few months, it can be a huge bore that we don’t look forward to.
As I sift through the various designs and fashion trends, I analyze the condition of each piece. The clothes are sorted into three groups; trash, charity and save. Looking over the piles, I cannot help but to smile. The pile for charity is the biggest. Recognizing how fortunate I am to have a closet full of clothes makes me thankful for the opportunity to give the items in good condition to someone who may be able to purchase new clothes. Now that this chore has found a purpose it doesn’t seem so boring.
Sometimes the simple things in life can offer us grace as an opportunity to show compassion to others. Using creativity to turn chores into opportunities requires little effort that can make a big difference. Grace is everywhere, we just have to open our eyes to see it and open our hearts to extend it. It’s only hard if we choose to make it that way. The art of sorting clothes is proof that we all have something to offer the world. What’s in your closet?